ut armentur balistari

particolare collare

Ut Armentur Balistari ” , has been recreated taking into account the fourteenth-century history of the city of Volterra, when Contradas that were part of it , had the honor and the burden of providing to the City their best shooters , to join part of the Company in the defense of the city walls . The tournament takes place in two stages. In the first stage will compete in single combat the two balastrieri taken from each district , who hurl their arrows at targets placed at a distance of 36 meters from the firing positions called ” Bancacci .” Passes the turn that the Crossbowman get the best shot focusing its verretta on a downtown just 3 cm in diameter. So for each district will be determined that the Crossbow will have the honor of joining the Society of the City and that will be invested with the delivery of the red cloth of the same emblem . So the top eight shooters will compete simultaneously popping their arrows ( verrette ) into a single target called ” corniolo ” or ” tasso ” . This , formed from a target plane to the center of which is fixed a cone with a depth of about 45 cm , will receive the arrows of all shooters . The one who will make the best shot will be appointed prior of the Balestrieri and rewarded with the collar .